Easy Hot Apple Cider Punch

Easy Hot Apple Cider Punch
This Hot Apple Cider Punch is the perfect holiday drink! Made with apple cider, orange juice, and spices, this sweet and slightly tart punch is a must-have for any holiday gathering. The combination of tart and sweet flavors will have your guests sipping and savoring every last drop. Serve warm or cold, this hot apple cider punch is sure to be a hit. For a festive twist, top with a cinnamon stick and a few extra orange slices. Hot Apple Cider Punch is sure to make your holiday gathering one to remember!


  • 1 gallon apple cider
  • 1/2 cup of orange juice
  • 2 tsp. whole cloves
  • 3 tsp. allspice berries
  • 2-3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2/3 cup sugar


  1. Place all ingredients into the inner pot. 
  2. Choose your method of heating with the Rocktablet.
  3. Once heathed place the RockTablet and inner pot in RockPot and it will stay
    hot for hours. Strain punch and serve!

Heating the RockTablet by fire:
Heat the RockTablet for 20 minutes in the fire.
While stone is heating, combine all ingredients in the inner cooking pot and stir.
Place HOT stone in the bottom of the RockPot.
Put inner cooking pot in the RockPot on the RockTablet.
Put the lid on the inner pot.
Close the RockPot and latch the lid.
Let the cider heat for about 30 minutes, strain the cider and serve it while its hot! 

Heating the RockTablet on stovetop:
Place RockTablet on burner
Place inner pot on top of the Rocktablet
Turn heat on high
Add all ingredients to inner pot while stone is heating, place lid on inner pot
Heat the RockTablet for 30 minutes with inner pot sitting on the stone.
After 30 minutes, turn off heat, remove inner pot from stone
Place HOT RockTablet in the bottom of the RockPot
Put inner cooking pot in the RockPot on the RockTablet 
Close the RockPot and latch the lid. Let the cider heat for about 30 minutes, strain the cider and serve it while its hot! 

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