Giving Back

Give to those in Need

Papua New Guinea

With every purchase of a RockPot we are setting aside a percent to go towards sending RockPots to the villages in Papua New Guinea.


Most villages in PNG often do not have any power at all. Cooking meals and having simple lighting is a known commodity here is the US. Being able to provide the people a way to cook without power is a blessing in it's self.

No Propane

No worries about repurchasing propane, when our RockTablet is heated over a simple fire, it allows the RockPot to heat and cook enough food for 6 people in a 7.5 quart cooker.

High Quality Standard

RockPot is made with a high quality food grade stainless steel. Making our product extremely durable and leakproof.

Proud To Give

Small Acts Lead to Big Change

The cooking conditions in the villages of PNG are sometimes non existent. Burning garbage to cook their food is unfortunately a common way to cook. With your help we can provide a safe, healthy and efficient way for these locals to make food for their families.